What do I do if I feel my product is defective?

If you feel your product is defective, DO NOT BRING THE PRODUCT BACK INSIDE THE STORE, as it is against state regulations. We process defective product through the cultivation centers themselves using the following procedure:

You will need to email bakerskorner@mapleglencc.com with the following information:

  • Your Full Name

  • Date of Purchase

  • Product Name & Defect

  • A clear picture of the item, including the barcode

  • And if you are a medical patient, your qualifying patient number

The process relies on the cultivators so you may not hear back as quickly as you’d like. Turn around times can range from 3 days to a month so please be patient.

See some examples of some defective products below:


How should I go about dosing my edibles?


Is my cartridge underfilled?